Following the landings on 6 June 44, the Resistance fig....
After the Normandy landings on June 6, the Germans held....
The bombardmentof Creston August 13, 1944 claimed many ....
During the war, the Soulier plateau had no fruit trees,....
On 12 June 1944 at 3pm, Resistance and civilian hostage....
Aouste lost 51 of its children in the Second World War,....
Combats de la Maladière On August 22, 1944, troops reco....
Yves Péron, was injured in the foot on June 9, 44 in an....
Born on 10 October 1924 in Rencurel (15 km), a single f....
A few hundred meters from the Mémorial des victimes de ....
The 3rd company of the 8th Panzer regiment, integrated ....
Drôme FFI departmental headquarters from July 3 to Augu....