
Tata Senegalese cemetery

The 3rd company of the 8th Panzer regiment, integrated into the 10th Panzerdivision, arrives in Lyon. On June 19 and 20, 1940, heavy fighting pitted it against the 25th regiment of Senegalese riflemen around Chasselay. The latter were taken prisoner and divided into 2 groups. Machine guns are set up around the African riflemen.

The captain Gouzy who tries to intervene is shot in the leg. The other skirmishers watch helplessly as the Africans are massacred. The necropolis was inaugurated on November 8, 1942, shortly before the invasion of the southern zone.
It brings together 194 tirailleurs and 2 legionnaires, one Russian and one Albanian. In 1966, the tata was declared a National Necropolis. Its architecture is of the West African type, and the word Tata means "fortified enclosure"
Credit photo and contribution B.PERRIN

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