
M4 A4T Sherman Tank Memorial

The tank battle of Arracourt September 18 - 29, 1944

 Three months after landing on June 6, 1944, the Allies crossed the Moselle on September 6. Strategic choices turned northwards, towards Antwerp and Liège, but advances towards Metz and the Saar, with the Rhine in their sights, were not neglected. From the 6th to the 15th, American troops advanced on the eastern side of the Moselle and Meurthe rivers. On the 14th, elements of General Patton's 3rd Army entered the village after fierce fighting north of Arracourt. Sergeant Sadowsky was killed at Valhey and German convoys were destroyed at Bauzemont and Hénaménil. The German counter-attacks of the 16th and 18th failed, but they were preparing a larger-scale counter-attack.

 It was this counter-attack, which took place from September 18 to 29, that became known as the tank battle of Arracourt.

Contribution and photo credit Grégory Miaux

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