
Harry R. Stroh

Stele in tribute to Major Harry R. Stroh of the 378th US squadron shot down on August 27, 1944 at kergaradec on a mission to support the 8th Infantry Division commanded by his father.

At around 6 pm on August 27, 1944, on his second mission of the day, Major Harry Stroh of the US Air Force was shot down; he crashed in Gouesnou at the north-west corner of what is now the Kergaradec industrial zone, just ahead of the positions of the 8th US Infantry Division commanded, incidentally, by his father. 

Madame Marie Quéféléan resides with her parents at the crash site. 

"The plane scatters over the property. I have the painful surprise of discovering the remains of the pilot, which we bury. We notify the municipal authorities, who inform the 8th Division command. Because of the fighting, General Donald A. Stroh will not be able to come and pay his respects with us at his son's grave until ten days later." 

Source "Chronique d'hier - Tome II - la vie du Finistère 1939/1945" Roland Bonn - Alain Le Berre - Michel Le Bars 

The support mission had been requested by the commander of the 8th US Inf.Div., the Major General Donald A. Stroh, Harry's father, who would witness his son's crash...
He would be temporarily relieved of his command following a breakdown while his division was engaged in the fighting in the Hürtgen Forest .

Photo credit and contribution Philippe Boudot.

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