Photo of a P-47 Thunderbolt of the US Air Force crashed....
St. James A-29 airfield memorial recalls the presence h....
Tribute to:★ First Lieutenant Joseph Lyndon Piche, pilo....
Stele recalling that here on June 7, 1944 the 2nd Lieu....
ALG (Advanced Landing Ground) A-16 airfield. This was t....
Tribute to the P-47 Thunderbolt pilot of the 362nd Figh....
Tribute to the American pilot of P-47 Thunderbolt, 2nd ....
Memorial marking the site of the Advanced Landing Groun....
Stele marking the site of the temporary Advanced Landin....
Tribute to 2nd Lieutenant William M. Porter, pilot of a....
Memorial to the crew of the B-17 Big Friend - Rovin Ram....
Memorial to P-47 Thunderbolt pilot Second Lieutenant Ro....