
Stele of memory

Memorial paying tribute to the airmen Pierre Devouassoud and Magloire Dorange shot on April 12, 1941, shouting "Long live France". Their companions in the resistance Raymond Canvel and Auguste Zalesky would die in deportation. Pilots during the Battle of France, they sought to reach England with 13 other Resistance fighters. Spotted by an Alleamand patrol boat while their boat was out of engine and adrift, they were arrested  sent to Cherbourg prison then Saint-Lô before being shot here.

Text of the deeply moving handwritten letter on display at the memorial from Pierre Devouassoud to his parents:

 My very dear parents

 I am writing you this last letter, which will certainly be delivered to you by the captain.
 This officer  German  was our defender before the court martial.
 He is a man of honor to whom we owe much, he did everything to save us but alas the laws are inexorable. I owe him a great debt of gratitude, so I ask you to receive him as a sincere friend, one of the few who could understand Dorange and me.
It is he who will present you with the badge that has guided my life and for which I have sacrificed everything:  my pilot's badge.
Always remember the motto that accompanies it "The wings carry us,  the star guides us,  the crown awaits us".

Pin this badge  with that of the Saint-Brieuc school ( where I knew Dorange)  on a small cushion and put them next to our two photos.
I would like to assure you that no one pushed me to leave. I'm the only one responsible for my actions.Lmoney has never been my goal, if I left it was for France and for aviation.

I believe I acted very well and I regret nothing. The consequences are obviously terrible, but let's not forget that "To die for one's country is the most beautiful and the most worthy of envy."
I make no secret of the fact that I would have preferred a more anonymous death in aerial combat  but you can't control events.
On the evening of the verdict, all I could think of was you, my dear Parents, and  I wept. I remembered all the sacrifices you made to bring me up,  to give me instruction,  to spoil me as you did.

You my dear Dad who was a soldier in that terrible war of 1914-1918,  I'm sure you'll immediately understand the reasons for my departure, you'll be able to tell everyone that I'm not a coward,  you'll be able to be proud of your son.
As for you my dear Mum, I think of your pain when you learn of the fate that has been reserved for me it will be a terrible ordeal but remember  all those who died in the war  and tell yourself well  that I am only a small victim of  this great calamity.

What I did  I feel it was my duty  so I regret nothing and I'm sure you can't blame me. To die a soldier is a beautiful end.

Mes chers Parents  votre fils qui vous a beaucoup aimé vous dit adieu en criant: "Vive la France" 


P.S.   Not being able to write several letters  I ask you to let all our relatives and friends know of my fate

 Photo credit: Dr Denis Rousseaux

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