
Dundee Ar Zenith

Ar Zénith in Audierne

The epic of the dundee AR ZENITH
The Breton Dundee "Ar Zénith" was the first civilian vessel to reach England in the wake of the appeal of June 18, 1940 by General de Gaulle.
Ar Zénith le courrier de l'île de Sein
Ar Zénith. A wooden Breton Dundee with sail and motor, was built in 1939. Its role is to transport passengers. goods and mail between Audierne and the isle of Sein.
Ar Zénith forerunner of the whole flottille which contributed to the rescue of France On June 19, 1940, a group of 21 young Audiernais came aboard. They had heard General de Gaulle's appeal and were anxious to reach England. The skipper Menou accepts them on board. The island of Sein is thus the first stopover on the way to Great Britain. On June 20, the ship sets sail for Plymouth.
Ar Zénith is thus the first French civilian ship to arrive in England Later, most of these young people will be embarked in the Forces Françaises Libres. Not all would return. The heroic saga of Ar Zénith and its volunteers will always remain one of those fine examples of Courage and Patriotism shown by so many young people who came to take orders from General de Gaulle to take up the fight again. Ar Zénith after the war In 1946 she returned to France with the same crew. Today, Ar Zénith. restored in St Malo, bears witness to the history of these men who fought for Liberté.

The crew on June 19, 1940
Lean-Marie MENOU - Patron
- Mechanic
- Seaman
Gabriel GUEGUEN - Novice

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