
Crash P-47 Haugan Weld Figgis

During the World War II, on September 11, 1944, hit by German anti-aircraft artillery over the Crozon Peninsula, American fighter pilot Haugan W. Figgis, of the 362nd Squadron was forced to seek a landing in a "friendly zone" (according to the American expression for all liberated areas).
Unable to land his plane, he had to resort to parachuting as his aircraft, a P-47 Thunderbolt was about to crash on the moor at a place called Croas-Kerzergat. Aided by the local population, Haugan Figgis was recovered by the American army at around 5:30 pm on this September 11, 1944.
During this same war, he would be shot downthree times, and each time, he would get back on a plane to continue his military mission.
The "friendly zone" has not forgotten him, and it is in the name of this friendship and his courage, that we dedicate this place to him.
Contribution and photo credit Philippe Boudot.

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