
Crash B-17 Fortress Périgny

Memorial to the crew of the bomber B-17 Fortress of the 100th Bomb Group349th Bomb Squadron, 8th US Air Force, shot down by the FLAK on August 8, 1944.
 1st Lieutenant John P. Keys. Pilot,age 26, deceased, rests in USA.
Flight Officer  Elvin W. Samuelson. Co-pilot, 24, deceased, rests in USA.
 2nd Lieutenant Elton Dickens. Bomber, deceased, age 28, rests in USA.
2nd/Lieuteunant Patrick H. Lollis. Navigator, 22 years, deceased, rests in USA.
T/Sgt Harry D. Park. Mechanic, age 20, deceased, rests in USA
T/Sgt Frank O. Thomas. Radio, 22, deceased, rests in USA.
S/Sgt Peter P. Martin. Machine Gunner, 20 years old, deceased, rests in the USA.
S/Sgt Donald V. Rieger. Machine gunner, 19 years old, deceased, rests in USA.
S/Sgt Gilbert A. Borba. Machine-gunner, age 19, taken prisoner.

Photos : Jaques Grasset 

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