
M8 self-propelled howitzer

Self-propelled M8 "Edith"busier, of the 1er Régiment de Marche de Spahis Marocains, 2nd armored division, destroyed on September 111944.
Tribute to General Leclerc, liberator of Andelot, September 12, 1944.
In memory of the Soldiers of General Leclerc's 2nd DB who died for France during the fighting at Andelot on September 11 and 12, 1944
☨ Brigadier Derocle Robert 
☨ Spahi Chaplain Robert
☨ Adjudant Chef Deschamps Roger
☨ 1e Classe Logez Marc
☨ Sergent Chef Morillas Manuel
☨ Corporal Biscay Gilbert 
☨ Sergeant Vaugien Gabriel
☨ Sapper Riccardi Francis

The Lane of Freedom  of the Koufra Oath also marks the 2nd Armored Division's move to Andelot KM618.

A memorial to Roger Deschamps  bears the inscription
A la mémoire de Roger Deschamps de la Division Leclerc, tué à la tête de sa section de chars d'assaut lors de la libération d'Andelot. 17.XII.1916 - 12.IX.1944
And his companion  Marc Logez.

Photo credit Grégory MYAUX 

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