
The martyrs of Plouigneau

The celebrations were in full swing in Plouigneau on August 8, 1944, as troops from US Task Force A liberated the village and set up camp in a field in Kerbriand.
But on August 9, 1944, a large detachment of 129th Infantry Division White Russians arrived from Lanmeur in requisitioned carts. A US Jeep and two light armored vehicles are put out of action by 20mm cannons.
Repression is terrible, a group of Resistance fighters are captured and then executed here after being savagely tortured. In the late morning, tanks from 15th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron under Lieutenant Robert Hamsley liberate the town again, supported by the US Air Force.

Le Coz Jean-François
Ropars Jean-Yves
Jourden Joseph
Perrot Albert.
☨ and an unknown

Photo credit and contribution Philippe Boudot.

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