
Hiesville - Maxwell D. Taylors Headquarters

A few days after the invasion and airborne landings behind the Utah Beach sector.The men of the 101st distribute rations to civilians in the courtyard of Maxwell D. Taylors headquarters. Taylors.
The farm Le Cauday is north of Vierville-au-Plain and outside the hamlet of Hiesville, which was the first headquarters of General Maxwell Taylor, commander of the 101st Airborne. General Taylor remained at this location for the 8 days following June 6, 1944. If you look closely between the two chimneys, an antenna that was placed there by a scout from the 101st Airborne who jumped into Normandy a few hours before the majority of the troops. His mission was to set up radio beacons and lights to guide the C-47 to their drop zones.Landing very close to the house, he caused a bit of a ruckus and a little boy who lived in the house came out to see what was going on. The soldier, who didn't speak French, put his finger over his mouth and signaled shhhh. The boy then led him into the house where he climbed onto the roof and set up his beacon.Exhausted, the soldier collapsed into a bed in the house and awoke to a violent kick in the bed.He looked and saw an American officer who ordered him out of the house as the farm had been requisitioned for General Taylor, commander of the 101st.

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