
Cadillac Operation Châteauneuf-de-Galaure

On 14 July 1944, Operation Cadillac was launched: 9 formations of 36 B-17s dropped 3,780 containers on 8 French maquis in broad daylight. By mid-morning, 2 formations had dropped 864 containers on ‘Taille Crayon’ on the Vassieux en Vercors plain.

The Germans had to react; Messerschmitt 109s took off from Valence-Chabeuil and hunted down the bombers and container ‘collectors’; they bombed and strafed La Chapelle and Vassieux until around 5pm.

A battle between German and Allied aircraft took place over the Galaure valley. The pilot of a Messerschmitt 109 went down in flames and jumped by parachute. He telephoned his position to his command, but a few moments later he was taken prisoner by Resistance fighters at the Laris camp.

In the afternoon, 2 German lorries arrived in the village of Châteauneuf-de-Galaure. They had already investigated the site of the crash and had eaten copiously in the neighbouring farms.

One of the lorries stopped at the crossroads of the D51 and D53. The other stopped about fifty metres away, and the soldiers jumped out and fired at the boules players at the Café Graillat, killing 2 and wounding 3. They then pursued the others who fled towards the Galaure (3 slightly wounded: Marius Noir, Joseph Brun, Marcel Thon). They returned and killed the first 3 wounded.

Note: Since 2024 the monument to the dead has been moved to the stele which has been ‘refreshed’.

Contribution and photo credit Bernard PERRIN

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