
Massacre at Villeneuve du Parco

Stele in memory of 8 civilians:
Jean Brient 57 years old,
Yves Brohon 22 years old,
Joseph Dréano 32 years old,
Joseph Kerbellec 43 years old,
André Le Floch 15 years old,
Alain Le Guyader 16 years old,
Aimé Le Réour 19 years old,
Pierre Quéven 22 years old
who on August 11, 1944 were tortured, then executed and whose bodies were thrown into the brasierof the burned farms at La Villeneuve by a German squad attempting an encirclement of the Resistants at the Parco but fortunately warned in time by Jean & Joseph Kerbellec (respectively 16 and 14 years old)
Two other people were killed at Le Parco (Marie Louise Rio 83 years old) and at the village of Stang-er-gat (Pierre Perron, 21).

Photo credit and contribution Le Bourvellec Eric

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