
Crash P-51 Captain Janusz Marciniak & 2nd Lieutenant Lincoln D.Bundy

Memorial in honor of Captain Janusz Marciniak , pilot of P-51 Mustangof 306th Polish Squadron, 133rd Wingof the Royal Air Force shot down by the FLAK on June 23, 1944.
★ Captain Janusz Marciniak, deceased, rests at the Polish military cemetery of Langannerie

A nearby stele pays tribute to ★ 2nd Lieutenant Lincoln D.Bundy of the 486 Fighter Squadron,352nd Fighter Group of the 8th US Air Force Army, shot down in a dogfight on June 10, 1944. Safe from the crash, he tried to escape and managed to join the Maquis, then a British SAS group. Attacked by the Germans, he was captured with some thirty British paratroopers and shot with them in the forest of Saint-Sauvant on July 7, 1944.

Photo Credit and contribution Christophe Roullier

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