
Stp 221 Arnika - Fort de la Crêche

The German navy took possession of the site, repairing the four French guns (renamed 19.4-cm KM 02) and covering them with camouflage netting. In early 1944, it concretes three of the recesses, transforming them into SK KM (model 2) casemates; in May June 1944, the old French guns are replaced by four more modern 10.5-cm SK C 32. The battery takes the name MKB Creche I , armed by 3.Batterie Marineartillerieabteilung 240 (3 MAA 240).
The position is reinforced on the cliff edge by MKB Creche II entrusted to 2 MAA 240, armed with three then four 9,4-cm Flak Vickers M.39(e) (captured 3.7-inch British guns used against ships), and by the MKB Crèche III disparately armed: a 7.5-cm FK231(f) (French 75 mm gun model 1897), a 15.5-cm sFH 417(f) (French 155 mm GPF gun model 1917) and two 7.62-cm FK295(r) (Soviet 76 mm guns model 1902 1930) placed under casemates R611, R671 and R669 (these codes correspond to Regelbau blueprints).mitrailleuse nests(one R105b and three R630), two R621 infantry shelters, an anti-tank casemate R626 (for a 5-cm PaK 38) and a R634 six-port bell. The whole position is dotted with recesses for 2-cm Flak 30, 2.5-cm Pak 112 (f), 2-cm Flak Oerlikon, 3.7-cm Flak 36, 4-cm Flak 28, 7.5-cm Flak M33 (f) (the 75 mm CA model 1933 Schneider gun), Scheinwerfer 60-cm and 150-cm (searchlights).
The battery forms the heart of the Stützpunkt 01 (Stp 01), renamed the Stp 221 Arnika, one of the fortified points of the Festung Boulogne ( Boulogne fortress ), housing 455 naval gunners, protected by 25 infantrymen of the Festungsstammabteilung LXXXII (82nd fortress detachment).

Source wikipedia.

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