
Pointe de La Garde Guérin

The Pointe de la Garde Guérin rises to 48 m, and was studied in detail by the German occupying forces. The festung Saint-Malo leans westwards against the Frémur river. Numerous fortifications were set up on the seafront, in the St.Briac and Lancieux area, fortifications that continued towards the Malouine city.
However, the Germans were to build a major underground complex on the Pointe de La Garde-Guérin, as it had far-reaching views out to sea, from Fort de La Varde in the east to Cap Fréhel in the west, and enabled them to cover the western flank of the Festung and to beat the marine expanse in coordination with Cézembre. Different in design from coastal defensive works, Ra145 Paulus (the work's code name) offers a network of galleries approximately 400 metres long. The base of this rocky point is particular to the Atlantikwall. Access to the galleries is via a large SK-type bunker, apparently copied from Maginot Line works, housing a R634 armored bell block designed to batter the ground to protect the work, a parking shelter for a 7.5 cm Pak gun and a roof tobrouk.
The whole is open on two sides, allowing vehicle traffic, and protected by two caponiers. There are also 2 R611 mod artillery casemates, a 47 mm Skoda block, a searchlight, an R501 shelter, a tank and an R120a artillery observatory. A nice walk in prospect. The south of the point is blocked by an anti-tank ditch.
Photocredit David Schenkel 

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