
La Salmagne dam

The ouvrage de La Salmagne is a Maginot Line fortification located in the commune of Vieux-Reng, in the Nord département. It is a small (fourth-class) infantry fortification with two blocks. Built in 1934, it was damaged in the fighting of May 1940. The La Salmagne work is located in the middle of the fortified sector of Maubeuge; together with the Bersillies work, it forms the center of the resistance line protecting Maubeuge on both sides of the Sambre river. The ouvrage is flanked to the west by the Bersillies ouvrage (also equipped with a turret), and to the southeast by the Épinette interval casemate. Although partly protected by the turret of the neighboring structure, it is not covered by artillery fire. The contract for its construction was dated November 5, 1934, for an all-inclusive price of 6,200,000 francs at the time2. During the Battle of France, the works and pillboxes to the northeast of Maubeuge were attacked from the rear: German forces had broken through further south near Solre-le-Château as early as May 16, 1940 (by the 7. PzD), and the town of Maubeuge was taken on May 18 (by a Kampfgruppe of the 5. PzD, then by the 28. ID). On May 19 and 20, La Salmagne was bombed by Stukas. On May 22, the surrender of the Élesmes STG blockhouse enabled the Germans to place 150 mm guns facing the rear facade and in line with the crenellations of block 2, but out of range of the ouvrage's weapons. After several shots, the mixed battlements were breached with shells, the anti-tank gun was destroyed and a corporal killed; the FM battlements in the caponier to the left of the entrance were breached. Block 2 is evacuated around 3 p.m. Shortly afterwards, Block 1 came under fire, hammering its northeast façade and destroying the ventilation vents. The tops were then covered by German infantry, who neutralized the turret with an explosive charge. With weapons destroyed and the crew asphyxiated, the French commander surrendered at around 8:30 p.m. Source Wikipedia

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