
Battice Fort

Located 17 kilometers from the German border, the fort de Battice was one of the first positions attacked by the German army on May 10, 1940. Its garrison consisted of 750 men, 34 of whom lost their lives in the fighting. The fort is made up of fifteen combat buildings, five of which are designed for long-range artillery.
These fifteen are linked by 3,000 meters of galleries dug thirty meters below the surface of the terreplein. The fort resisted German attacks for twelve days. On May 21, 1940, the fort was again bombed by German Stuka. A 250-kilo bomb bounced off an anti-tank obstacle and by an unfortunate chance penetrated through the entrance gate into the building.

In exploding it killed 26 combatants. With nothing more to expect in the way of help from neighboring forts, the commander decided to surrender his weapons on May 22, 1940. The Germans then occupied the fort until July 1944, carrying out various tests of destructive weapons, including the famous obus Röchling.
Without reservation, the Battice fort can be visited, from March to November, on the last Saturday of the month at 1:30 pm. Rates: adults = €6 and children under 12 = €3. By reservation, the fort is accessible all year round for groups of at least 12 people at a rate of €5 per person.
A visit is still possible if the group is made up of fewer than 12 people, but in this case the rate becomes a flat fee of €60 as if the group actually comprised 12 visitors. The average duration of a visit is around 3 hours and a half, along a 3 km route on the platform and in the underground installations 30 meters below ground. Depending on the length of your visit, you may be able to see:
- The movement of an eclipse turret for 2 twin 75 mm guns.
- The operation of an artillery building's ammunition elevator.
- Start-up of an original 175 HP generator used to supply the fort with electricity.
- At the pressurization of a combat building.
- In the museum, to the explanation of the operation of a 60 mm anti-tank gun and a carriage for 2 Maxim machine guns model 08 15.
Get warm clothes and good walking shoes
- 3 eclipse turrets with 2 twin 75 mm guns. Range 10 km.
- 2 cupolas with 2 recoilless 120 mm GP guns. Range 17 km.
- 4 cannonsof 60 mm anti-tank.
- 11 bells with machine guns for glacis defense (including 4 with N-type S.O.M. periscope and 7 with rocket launcher device to illuminate the approaches).
- 9 casemates for machine guns to defend the approaches and ditch.
- 14 firing posts for machine guns.
- 2 observatory bells with large S.O.M. -type N periscope to regulate artillery fire.
- 2 observatory bells with small periscopeand for machine gun firing.
- 6 mitrailleuses Contre Avions ou MI.C.A.
- 10 grenade chutes for close defense.
- 5 grenade chutes for access defense.
- 7 grenade chutes for gallery defense.
Photos : Alain WaltheryText : wikipedia

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