
Brest submarine base

TheBres submarine baset  is a huge bunker from the World War II, designed to house the 1st and 9th U-boat flotillas of the Kriegsmarine. Although the Lorient submarine base is larger with its 3 shelters (Kéroman I, II and III), the Brest bunker is the largest ever built.
Construction, entrusted to the Todt organization began in 1941 and was completed in 1942 (finished in 500 days). The Kriegsmarine uses pre-existing Penfeld facilities: the base is thus built at the foot of the École Navale (at a place called "Les 4 pompes")The first U-Boot arrives in Brest in August 1940. It was the U-65 (Type IX-B).Today, many of the structures (blockhouses) designed to protect the submarine base still exist and can be seen in the surrounding area, but most of them are located in military zones.(Source Wikipedia)

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